We are currently operating in Latin America and Asia, with concentrated emphasis in Mexico, Nicaragua and Argentina where the company has four large scale solar projects, a utility scale wind project, a biomass project, a hydro-electric project and an airport development project. Noble Generation also has projects in the pipeline in Asia, Africa, and other parts of the world.

Several of the most rapidly developing economies in the world are situated in the Indian Subcontinent region, and economic growth rates are high. This accelerated economic growth has resulted in a rise in energy demand and consumption, and consequently many countries have experienced difficulty with power shortages.
Meeting increasing electricity demand requires a huge expansion in the region’s power system, with coal and renewables accounting for almost 70% of new capacity. Installed power generation capacity rises to more than 565 gigawatts (GW) from 240 GW today. The mix of fuels and technologies varies country-by-country, but overall reflects an emerging preference for a combination of high efficiency coal plants and increased deployment of renewables. By 2040, renewables account for the largest share of installed capacity (nearly 40%).
Many countries in the region like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan and Maldives are considering inexhaustible and repeatable alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro and biomass. Geographically, South Asian countries are in a region of different climatic conditions such as tropical, humid etc. which provides easy access to a variety of renewable energy sources. The governments of South Asian countries have initiated renewable energy policies to encourage industries and individuals to employ renewable energy powered systems in power applications.
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